Spread Indicator

Based on the data in the DRMI database, the spread of each type of mortgage can be calculated in relation to a preferred curve.


Spread Indicator

For investors who want more detailed instrument level insight, the mortgage spread indicator can be used to compare the development of mortgage rates over time to one or more curves, as defined by the client.

This insight service is separate from the index products and can be used by clients to improve their understanding of the Dutch mortgage market.

Product specifications

  • Monthly data delivery
  • Historical data since 1 January 2013
  • Access to the DRMI portal with extensive performance and characteristics data
  • Possibility to download data from the DRMI portal
  • Possibility to upload data (relevant for portfolios that are not in the DRMI database)
  • Public data sources

    European Data Warehouse and Loan-by-Loan data

  • Non-public data sources

    Data from mortgage lenders

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